About Us

welcome to our website Collector babu ,

we as a team are trying to help people by keeping them updated with latest job news, vacancies, yojana, and  other government exams, important dates and notifications.

Collector Babu Team

Manjesh Singh, 

Founder: collectorbabu.in

Manjesh Singh एक Successful YouTuber और Blogger है, जो की कलेक्टर Babu (420K Subscribers) के नाम से जाने जाते है.  
collectorbabus.blogspot.com/ के Founder और Content Strategy Head है. इन्होने Blogging Career की शुरुआत 2015 में किया था और अभी तक कई सक्सेसफुल ब्लॉग बना चुके है.

Our team:

1. Sonam: head content writer who manages all the final decision on publishing the articles. He is graduated from du university and currently working in a media firm as a freelancer content writer.

We operate this site from our main office at a town named Muzaffarpur {Bihar}

For more information about us please go on contact us page


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